Monday, November 22, 2010

Sick Week and Artful Opportunities

It's going to be a stay-at-home sick week for us.  Bronchitis for me and my two eldest.  Thankful the babe is healthy though.  Thankful too for all that good paper, a chalkboard and lots of art supplies can bring us during a wintry week indoors.
We have three hot spots in the house for inviting the little guys to make some art.  Above, our (archa paper) wall in the kitchen.  Over 6 feet of the stuff is sandwiched between the natural kitchen boundaries of the fridge and the dining table.  This wall is very good to us!  And very worth moving the small buffet we once kept there.
The hall - every old Czech flat has this huge entry hall from which one reaches all the other rooms.  I'm telling you, we could make two bedrooms from this one hall!  For now though, it's made for running and adventures in chalk!  My little girl has recently exited the love-of-all-things-purple stage and discovered rainbows
Finally, there's the best kid's desk ever in the children's room.  Supplies are stocked and ready at the window sill.  Tonight, my little ones calmly enjoyed a bit of just-before-bed art making.  I must say, this is some of my favorite kind!  They always seem to enter this really peaceful zone of creativity right before going to bed (that or they are running around the house as a cheetah and a rainbow princess).  I plan on giving them more opportunities for this kind of quiet time before the lights go out at night.
Wishing you health and the little bit of happiness a rainbow brings just when you need it!


  1. Sorry you're sick! I love the pictures and rainbows! So fun!

  2. Thanks Kristin! I tell you it's crazy getting sick here!
